Style: All who have it share one thing. Originality.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

10 Signs that you are socially awkward..

Hello my loves<3 Pryn here with a topic that I think almost all of us struggle with.

*Drum roll*

10 signs that you are socially awkward..

#1 ~ To avoid talking to someone you fake a phone call..

#2 ~ You're usually the one that causes an awkward silence after you say something.

#3 ~ Group conversations or even being around people makes you shiver.

#4 ~ You may say something, such as a joke but people think you are just plain weird and give an awkward laugh.

#5 ~ You would rather stay inside than go to any type of parties or even gatherings.

#6 ~ When someone comes to give you a hug, you hold out your hand instead.

#7 ~ When your friends call and ask you to come hangout with them, you tell them that you can't because you are "sick."

#8 ~ Your idea of a good time is relaxing at home watching Netflix or YouTube in your closet with chocolate.

#9 ~ You know a lot of what everyone's talking about but you don't want to talk because you're afraid that people will look at you and ask questions.

#10 ~ You feel happy when you have a real/ natural conversation with a stranger... LOL JK you'd never do that.

These are just some signs that you are socially awkward.. Some of the signs I looked up got me thinking.. If I was a bit socially awkward.  Haha I don't think I am.

"Doesn't mean you aren't."

Yah okay.. Anyways being socially awkward isn't always a bad thing I guess. 

It just means you aren't a people person. At all.

         Hey I have a joke for you!

What did the mama horse say to the baby horse?!?

It's pasture bed time!!

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.... I'm so hilarious.

"No. No you're not."

Whatever, I think I am quite hysterical sometimes.  Even my mother thinks so.

Alright everyone, I hope some of these signs sort of answered your questions about being or knowing someone who is socially awkward.

Peace on the streets.. Pryn out ~ xoxo;*

PS. Go follow PVP (bfvsgf) on YouTube.  They are AMAZING:)

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