Ok so you probably saw the title. Are Singing Lessons worth Taking?
Okay I am going to come right out and just say it.
Maybe you're considering it but you're not sure if it would really make a difference in your voice. I can tell you right now. Do it. The difference is AMAZING. ABSOLUTELY AMAZING! Granted you have to have a good teacher and be willing to put the effort in but I can guarantee you will sound better after taking singing lessons.
Some questions you may want to ask...
How long after I start can I see a difference?
At about 6 months the results will really start kicking in but you may be able to hear a difference after only a couple lessons.
How much do they cost?
This is a tricky question to answer correctly. Will you have a voice coach or a voice teacher? I got my lessons for about 30 dollars for 45 minutes but that is VERY inexpensive compared to many coach's rates. It may also be well above what some ask. If you are looking for lessons you will really need to look around where you live personally.
Where can I take lessons?
You can take them at many schools(middle, High,and University)One thing I would like to warn you of is this: If you stop taking lessons and practicing, you will gradually lose some of the ability that you gained. Just like athletes must continually stay in shape by working their muscles, you must keep your voice in shape by continually training your voice.
Singing is a wonderful tool to express your feelings and communicate with others. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!!!
~Jaz *Dream Big*
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