Style: All who have it share one thing. Originality.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

You know you're a traveler when...

Hey all!!!

It's Jaz :)

This topic is super fun.... Ready?????

You know you're a traveler when ....

You've had that awkward moment in a hotel pool when you and other random hotel guests awkwardly switch from the hot tub to the pool. You know what I mean lol

You've used one of those sweet waffle makers at a hotel breakfast.

You've got a souvenir from every place you've visited

All your best stories begin like "When I was in..."

You have your accents down pat

You love that feeling of getting up early and setting off on an adventure

The air port feels like "Same old. Same old"

Your suitcase lives in your closet instead of your attic

You've seen animals other people only read about in books

You have stacks of traveler magezines that you save for "future reference"

You can speak a little bit of many languages

Your friends have to ask "Will you be around this summer?"

You've rented a bycicle

Your camera is full of pictures you could sell to National Geographic

You've picked up mannerisms from other countries

You sleep in hotel beds just as much ( or more ) than you do in your own bed

Your list of "Places to visit before I die " is half checked off

Your journal is filled of entries that you wrote while on trips

You get your hair cut according to the style of another country rather than where you live

You could make multiple outfits out of just clothes you've bought while away

You're favorite food is an obscure dish served only in other countries

Hey,  I could go on and on!

Comment down below, follow and + 1!!!!!

Thanks alllll!

Jaz *Dream Big*

Why Traveler?500 x 333

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Awkward is normal

Aloha! I hate to say this but no matter how mature, graceful, or polite you are, you will ALWAYS have awkward moments. Like I remember this one time I was with one of my friends (We didn't know each other very well at the time) and you know how sometimes when you yawn, little droplets of spit fly out of your mouth? Yeah, ewww, I know... But anyways that happened and I was extremely embarrassed (thankfully she's still my friend and she wasn't totally grossed out at me). 

But the point I'm trying to get to is that everyone has awkward moments. It's ok to feel awkward. I feel awkward all the time. Just because you're awkward in certain situations doesn't mean you have to go hide. Don't get me wrong, sometimes I'll do something and I'm just like "Can I move to Antarctica and never face anyone again?" But those times are the ones you'll laugh at later. Believe me. I reminisce on all the awkward/weird situations I've been in and laugh. Just imagine the stories you'll be able to tell when you're older :)

That's all for now but I couldn't write a post about awkwardness without mentioning Jennifer Lawrence. She's the QUEEN of
awkward, but that's why everyone adores her.


~ Kat :)

Monday, January 5, 2015

Females confusing?

Hello my wonderful blog readers.. Today this one is for the guys.  Yes the guys.  The topic of choice is: Female Communication.

I have had many of my guy friends talk to me about how confusing girls can be.. To be honest.. I don't think we are that confusing. I think that we just sometimes.. Yeah I guess we can be confusing.

       Alright lets get started shall we?

#1: If a girl says "I'm fine, trust me."
She isn't. WARNING.. she isn't.
The only thing you can actually do in this situation is just be there for her. If you try and push it to see what's wrong, she may give up and tell you but she also can get aggravated at you and shut you out.  So really the best thing to do is to be there for her.

#2: If you come home to find us crying in a corner, most likely we ran out of chocolate.

#3: If one minute we are really happy and then the next we are screaming at you for no reason.. It's that time of the month for us. But please don't ask us if its that time of the month if we are just angry.

#4: If we are complaining about our weight.. NEVER I repeat NEVER say that we gained a few. You will never come out alive. Most likely you will end up in a ditch somewhere.

#5: We love chocolate. So, if you bring us a bunch of chocolate stuff and OH a salted caramel mocha from Starbucks or really anything from Starbucks you win the "Best boyfriend or guy friend award."

LOL not really what we are talking about but that right there is truth and helpful.

#6: When you find us in the closet eating chocolate and watching a live eagle show (Taken from the movie Moms Night Out) we are really stressed. The stress that we are facing can be a number of things so just listen to us. Please:)

#7: If a girl is talking to you about what she is going through at that moment, take it seriously. She will stop talking about her problems to you if you don't take it seriously or not pay attention.

This is the end for now guys. Sorry if these didn't answer a specific question about your girl.

Also we aren't that high maintenance. We aren't.

In the end a girl just wants to be listened to. That's the truth. She wants to know that you care and that what she thinks matters. However, if she is acting like a complete jerk or just using you all the time, you need to leave.

I hope this helped you in some way.

If you guys and girls want to see more on our blog go ahead and hit that follow button! If you have any topics that you would like us to talk about please comment them below we would LOVE to hear more.

Goodbye for now loves<3 Pryn signing off.


Once Upon A Time oufits

Aloha everyone! I don't know about you, but I'm definitely a Oncer. Never heard that term before? Well my friend that is a word that describes us fans of the tv show Once Upon A Time. Yes, we have our own name. We're just THAT cool. So to all my fellow Oncers out there, or even if you aren't a Oncer, here are some outfit ideas inspired by the characters of this fabulous show. 

1. Emma Swan


As you can probably see, she doesn't really stray from the classic jeans and jacket look. Her signature look is just a leather jacket (preferably Red), jeans, a plain tank top, and some tall boots. 

Emma Swan outfit

2. Mary Margaret


Ohhhh my goodness. Vintage-ness overload! Mary Margaret is oh so vintage when it comes to her style. She often wears midi skirts with a peter pan collared shirt paired with a light cardigan. Her shoes of choice are usually short mary jane heels or some cute flats. 
Mary Margaret outfit

3. Belle French


Something about Belle is that I don't ever remember her NOT wearing a skirt or a dress. It seems like she's always wearing either a skirt or a dress, but that's ok because she totally rocks them. She usually goes for a skater skirt or dress with a high collar, but occasionally I've seen her wear a collared shirt, unbuttoned at the top with the skirt. She also loves to wear lace (anyone remember Lacy? Yeahhh I definitely like Belle better).

Belle French outfit

4. Ruby


Leather and red basically sums Ruby up. Along with these, she always seems to have a wide assortment of accessories such as gold/silver/bronze necklaces, plenty of bracelets, and hats.

Ruby outfit

5. Regina


I would say Mayor Regina Mills' style is definitely the classiest out of these characters. Black, black, black, maybe a little purple,red, or blue, then more black make up the colors in Regina's closet. She often chooses to wear pencil dresses with a blazer or a sophisticated pant suit (yes, they're coming back in style). 

Regina Mills outfit

And that concludes this little post about Once Upon A Time :)
If you've never seen it before then I would HIGHLY recommend it. 

~Kat :)

Are Singing Lessons Worth Taking?

Hey All! it's Jaz :)

Ok so you probably saw the title. Are Singing Lessons worth Taking? 

Okay I am going to come right out and just say it. 


Maybe you're considering it but you're not sure if it would really make a difference in your voice. I can tell you right now. Do it. The difference is AMAZING. ABSOLUTELY AMAZING! Granted you have to have a good teacher and be willing to put the effort in but I can guarantee you will sound better after taking singing lessons. 

Some questions you may want to ask...

How long after I start can I see a difference?

At about 6 months the results will really start kicking in but you may be able to hear a difference after only a couple lessons.

How much do they cost?

This is a tricky question to answer correctly. Will you have a voice coach or a voice teacher? I got my lessons for about 30 dollars for 45 minutes but that is VERY inexpensive compared to many coach's rates.  It may also be well above what some ask. If you are looking for lessons you will really need to look around where you live personally.

Where can I take lessons?

You can take them at many schools(middle, High,and University)One thing I would like to warn you of is this: If you stop taking lessons and practicing, you will gradually lose some of the ability that you gained. Just like athletes must continually stay in shape by working their muscles, you must keep your voice in shape by continually training your voice.

Singing is a wonderful tool to express your feelings and communicate with others. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!!!

~Jaz *Dream Big*

Get the Look: Alex Russo, Jessie, Cece and Rocky


Have you ever seen a Disney show (face it we have all watched them) and the girls all have their own style of clothing? Have you ever thought it would be cool to have that level of style? Here are some examples of some fashionable tv stars that give us a little peek into their fashion styles.

Okay I know this one is old but, Wait for ittttt!


Her secret?? LAYERS! yes, its that simple :) Well kind of...

Tanks over another top is classic Alex. Her patterns are bold and busy but they always match. Headbands, long necklaces, belts, scarves etc. ANYthing to add a layer! For shoes she often wears converse sneakers, boots, wedges or heels. She might just be as much of a shoe person as I am :)

You might want to customize the look a little bit by calming down the patterns or softening your colors. Or if you're brave add a little more zing!!! You GO girl!!!! Do your thang!

Up next is a new one, JESSIE!

Okay first let me just say Debby Ryan is Amazing!!!!!!

Jessie's style is just so fab. She wears skirts, large belts, and blouses. She wears casualish dresses on a regular basis. She is always wearing some kind of heel. Sometimes she'll wear skinny jeans with a tunic shirt or a flowy T. She has a very femenine feel to the way she dresses. I LOVE IT <3 Go nuetral colors and floral prints for the ultimate Jessie look.

Ok the fashion divas of all disney tv shows
(in my opinon).... you guessed it! Cece and Rocky!

Okay gals, Crop tops, leggings, and combat boots are a must. Skinny jeans, vests, pretty much anything with texture and flow. If you are a Cece style fan go with oranges, yellows, golds, reds, and cobalt blues. Rocky's colors tend to be more black and white,pinks, lighter blues, and purples. Both girls wear denim(shorts and jackets) but when Cece wears denim it tends to be more distressed. If you're going Shake it up style you have got to be bold. You have to be comfortable with mis matching polka dots and stripes or adding high knee socks to your shorts and hightops. Ok. Now I want to wear Cece style to school one day just to see what people say :)

Hope this helped you know how to style it up!!!

Let me know what you think, comment, 1d, and follow Wanderlust Wears!!!! Love u guys <3

~Jaz *Dream Big*

Sunday, January 4, 2015

10 Signs that you are socially awkward..

Hello my loves<3 Pryn here with a topic that I think almost all of us struggle with.

*Drum roll*

10 signs that you are socially awkward..

#1 ~ To avoid talking to someone you fake a phone call..

#2 ~ You're usually the one that causes an awkward silence after you say something.

#3 ~ Group conversations or even being around people makes you shiver.

#4 ~ You may say something, such as a joke but people think you are just plain weird and give an awkward laugh.

#5 ~ You would rather stay inside than go to any type of parties or even gatherings.

#6 ~ When someone comes to give you a hug, you hold out your hand instead.

#7 ~ When your friends call and ask you to come hangout with them, you tell them that you can't because you are "sick."

#8 ~ Your idea of a good time is relaxing at home watching Netflix or YouTube in your closet with chocolate.

#9 ~ You know a lot of what everyone's talking about but you don't want to talk because you're afraid that people will look at you and ask questions.

#10 ~ You feel happy when you have a real/ natural conversation with a stranger... LOL JK you'd never do that.

These are just some signs that you are socially awkward.. Some of the signs I looked up got me thinking.. If I was a bit socially awkward.  Haha I don't think I am.

"Doesn't mean you aren't."

Yah okay.. Anyways being socially awkward isn't always a bad thing I guess. 

It just means you aren't a people person. At all.

         Hey I have a joke for you!

What did the mama horse say to the baby horse?!?

It's pasture bed time!!

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.... I'm so hilarious.

"No. No you're not."

Whatever, I think I am quite hysterical sometimes.  Even my mother thinks so.

Alright everyone, I hope some of these signs sort of answered your questions about being or knowing someone who is socially awkward.

Peace on the streets.. Pryn out ~ xoxo;*

PS. Go follow PVP (bfvsgf) on YouTube.  They are AMAZING:)

Room Decor Ideas

Picture this. You're sitting in your room, staring at your blank ceiling, maybe listening to some tunes (Yes, I'm aware that when I say "tunes" I sound old. Deal with it). You glance around your room and are disappointed with how boring it looks. Well this is where I come in! Not literally because that would be kinda weird if I just like walked into your room........
FOCUS KAT!!!  Anyways, sorry guys. You might have realized by now that I get distracted pretty easily. I'm here to tell you that I can help you turn that bleak, blank space (hehe Taylor Swift reference) into a wicked awesome room that displays your personality and interests! First thing's first.... I'M THE REALIST!!!! Haha I should probably stop with the music references...

For real this time, first things first...

Ok sorry just ONE more side note. I've never really understood the whole "first thing's first" phrase. Like obviously the first thing is first. If it wasn't first then it wouldn't be first. Get me?  
Ok now I'm ready to talk seriously. Here are some cute ideas to decorate your room:

I love this one soooo much! All you need are some pictures and a quote that you can just print off from the computer! Just pin or tape them up and voila!

For this you just need some Christmas lights (who says you can only use them at Christmas time?) and some thin curtains that you could probably find pretty cheap at a thrift store.

Gotta love travel themed rooms :)
You can probably find map wall decals (like the one in the picture) at loads of stores, but I kinda like the idea of putting an old map on my wall instead of a fresh, smooth sticker. What do you guys think?

I'm absolutely in love with the idea of putting records on walls! They look so cool! I go to thrift stores fairly often and I've seen old records MANY times, so I think I might try this one :)

And lastly, the chalkboard wall. Sometimes there is nothing more satisfying than sketching on a chalkboard. All you need is chalkboard paint, which can be found at hardware stores such as Home Depot and Lowe's, and chalk!

I hope you have enjoyed these ideas and that I inspired you to change up your bedroom decor.

~ Kat :)

I Challenge Thee!!!!


Jaz here :)

Okay so you probably have seen gorgrous pictures like these floating around the intenet :

Maybe you've thought "I would love to play guitar but it's too much work."
Learning guitar does take time and effort but so does anything worth doing. I am a little bit of a music freak. I have two guitars, a harmonica, a keyboard, and a ukulele. I LOVE music. So what am I getting at?? Well, to put it bluntly I challenge you to learn a song on guitar. If you don't want to buy a guitar maybe use your friend's. Maybe you have that old guitar in the corner gathering dust. Maybe you already play a little! Guitar is an amazing instrument that can be used for many purposes.

I don't know if you have done this before but sitting with your friends just singing together gives you an amazing feeling... It feels like you could just take off and fly.

You could make money off some gigs if you get good! Grant it, it would take time but if you love what you do and practice who knows where you'll end up.

When you feel sad, misunderstood, or just plain stressed out, playing the guitar and singing your fav song can be a miracle remedy.

These are just three reasons I think you should pick up the guitar and run with it...

Ok so my challenge???

. learn a song
. do it in less than 2 weeks
. Then if you want, send us a recording or just an "I DID IT!" email to and we will give you a shout out!

Do you think you can pull it off?

Hope to hear from you about the challenge! Comment, +1, and follow if you would like to put a smile on my face for the rest of the day!!!! :)

~Jaz *Dream Big*

Saturday, January 3, 2015


Wanting to travel?  See the world?  Find new and amazing places to explore?  

Well, I have some places that will knock your socks off and make you all giggly inside...


This cave is the Hang Son Doong cave in Vietnam.  Super cool right??  Like I would totally get lost in there.. Not the best thing to do but what can I say! I love exploring..:D


Mendenhall Ice Caves of Juneau in Alaska, United States

This is the Mendenhall Ice caves in Juneau, Alaska!

"Wow Pryn.. That looks like so much fun."  Hehe I know right?!?

Btw.. these are MAN MADE.


Recognize  this beauty? No? This is Highclere Castle.  This castle is the ACTUAL FILM SET FOR DOWNTON ABBEY.. super awesome!! Right?
Highclere castle is located in Newbury, West Berkshire, England. 
They are opening it as a hotel!! EEEEEEEEE! I am excited... So excited.
I hope some of these places have made it on your "Places to go before I die" list:)
Also go check out Jaz's blog post about some other crazy places to visit. ROAD TRIP!! LOL fail... It wouldn't be a road trip.. more like a fly trip.
Until next time my loves.
Pryn is leavin' the building.. xoxo

"Paris is always a good idea."

Aaaah Paris. The City Of Love and The City Of Lights. I have never been there but I think Audrey Hepburn knew what she was talking about...


How amazing would it be to visit all these places?!?!?! I don't know about you, but I hope to someday. I can see myself just roaming around, dreamily taking in the sights.... But knowing me I would probably embarrass myself by walking into a pole or crashing into somebody's table at an outdoor cafe... 
  Anyways, this has been me quickly fantasizing.     Farewell!!!

~Kat :)