Style: All who have it share one thing. Originality.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

You know you're a traveler when...

Hey all!!!

It's Jaz :)

This topic is super fun.... Ready?????

You know you're a traveler when ....

You've had that awkward moment in a hotel pool when you and other random hotel guests awkwardly switch from the hot tub to the pool. You know what I mean lol

You've used one of those sweet waffle makers at a hotel breakfast.

You've got a souvenir from every place you've visited

All your best stories begin like "When I was in..."

You have your accents down pat

You love that feeling of getting up early and setting off on an adventure

The air port feels like "Same old. Same old"

Your suitcase lives in your closet instead of your attic

You've seen animals other people only read about in books

You have stacks of traveler magezines that you save for "future reference"

You can speak a little bit of many languages

Your friends have to ask "Will you be around this summer?"

You've rented a bycicle

Your camera is full of pictures you could sell to National Geographic

You've picked up mannerisms from other countries

You sleep in hotel beds just as much ( or more ) than you do in your own bed

Your list of "Places to visit before I die " is half checked off

Your journal is filled of entries that you wrote while on trips

You get your hair cut according to the style of another country rather than where you live

You could make multiple outfits out of just clothes you've bought while away

You're favorite food is an obscure dish served only in other countries

Hey,  I could go on and on!

Comment down below, follow and + 1!!!!!

Thanks alllll!

Jaz *Dream Big*

Why Traveler?500 x 333

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